Browser - IE macro object

This IE macro object represents an Internet Explorer instance.
It provides web macro methods for searching Element and Frame web automation objects inside the web page DOM hierarchy, and for automating various browser actions (navigate, close, show/hide browser window).

  var browserObj = coreObj.FindBrowser(Search conditions);
  var browserObj = coreObj.AttachToNativeBrowser(native browser);
  var browserObj = frameObj.parentBrowser;
  var browserObj = elementObj.parentBrowser;
Close Closes the Internet Explorer instance represented by the browser object.
ClosePopup Closes a window.alert or a window.confirm popup window in Internet Explorer.
ClosePrompt Closes a window.prompt popup window in Internet Explorer.
FindAllElements Searches in the current browser, the collection of all HTML elements that verify a list of search conditions.
FindElement Searches in the current browser, an HTML element that verifies a list of search conditions.
FindFrame Searches in the current browser, a HTML frame or iframe that verifies a list of search conditions.
FindModalHtmlDialog Searches a Frame object in the current browser corresponding to a HTML modal dialog box.
FindModelessHtmlDialog Searches a Frame object corresponding to a modeless HTML dialog box that verifies a list of search conditions.
Navigate Navigates the browser to a given URL.
WaitToLoad Waits the browser to load and check it against a list of search conditions.
core Returns a reference to the parent Core IE macro object of the browser.
isLoading Returns a boolean value indicating whether the browser is engaged in a navigation operation.
nativeBrowser Returns a native Internet Explorer browser object ( IWebBrowser2 ).
navigationError Returns the browser navigation error code.
title Returns the title of the web page.
topFrame Returns a reference to the top Frame IE macro object.
url Returns the URL for the current HTML document.
See also:
Core | Element | ElementList | Frame

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