StartBrowser - web automation method
Starts a new instance of Internet Explorer browser with an appropriate integrity level and returns a Browser web macro object connected to it.
This Internet Explorer automation method works for all browser versions: IE6, IE7, IE8 and IE9 and with IE protected mode on Windows XP, Vista and Win7.
Applies to:
- Core
var b = coreObj.StartBrowser("url");
is the URL where the newly started browser will navigate first.
The URL of the newly started browser is specified by the url parameter.
The method throws a web macro exception if a new browser instance can not be started.
In this case the lastError property of the Core object is set to FAIL_ERROR.
var coreObj = new ActiveXObject("Twebst.Core");
var newBrowser = coreObj.StartBrowser("");
See also:
- Core | Browser | foregroundBrowser | StartHiddenBrowser
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