Frame - IE macro object

This IE macro object represents a native Internet Explorer window object ( IHTMLWindow2 ) corresponding to a frame or an iframe HTML element. It provides methods for searching other Frame or Element IE macro objects inside the current frame.

  var frame = browserObj.FindFrame(Search conditions);
  var frame = browserObj.FindAllFrames(Search conditions)(index);
  var frame = frameObj.FindFrame(Search conditions);
  var frame = frameObj.FindChildFrame(Search conditions);
  var frame = frameObj.FindAllFrames(Search conditions)(index);
  var frame = frameObj.FindChildrenFrames(Search conditions)(index);
  var frame = coreObj.AttachToNativeFrame(native frame);
  var frame = elemObj.parentFrame;
FindAllElements Searches in the current frame, the collection of all web controls that verify a list of search conditions.
FindAllFrames Searches in the current frame, the collection of all HTML frame and iframe objects that verify a list of search conditions.
FindChildElement Searches in the current frame, a direct HTML child element that verifies a list of search conditions.
FindChildFrame Searches in the current frame, a direct child frame or iframe that verifies a list of search conditions.
FindChildrenElements Searches in the current frame, the collection of direct HTML child elements that verify a list of search conditions.
FindChildrenFrames Searches inside a frame object, the collection of direct HTML frame and iframe objects that verify a list of search conditions.
FindElement Searches in the current frame, an HTML element that verifies a list of search conditions.
FindFrame Searches in the current frame, an HTML frame or iframe that verifies a list of search conditions.
core Returns a reference to the parent Core web macro object of the frame.
document Returns the native HTML document object ( IHTMLDocument2 ) of the current library frame object.
nativeFrame Returns a native HTML frame or iframe object ( IHTMLWindow2 ) represented by the current web automation library frame object.
parentBrowser Returns the parent Browser IE macro object of the current frame.
parentFrame Returns the parent Frame web macro object of the current frame.
See also:
Core | Browser | BrowserList | Element | ElementList | FrameList

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