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IE Automation & Web Recorder

Open Twebst is an advanced web automation framework for Internet Explorer that can be used from scripting languages JScript, VBScript to high level programming languages VBA/Excel, Visual Basic, C#, Python, C++.

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  • Web scraping - extract and save web data to Excel sheets automatically.
  • Record web actions and auto generate IE macros with powerful Twebst Web Macro Recorder.
  • Push Excel data to web pages with VBA Internet Explorer macros.
  • Fill out web forms automatically. Automate repetitive web surfing tasks and data entry.
  • Automate web site functional and regression testing.
  • Web applications integration - save time by automating copy-paste user's actions between web pages with IE macros.

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Twebst Macro Recorder in action
Macro Recorder generating VBScript code
Macro Recorder generating C# code